What should be considered in the internal design of health institutions?


In the interior design of health institution projects, more attention needs to be paid to some issues than to our other living spaces. There are a number of issues that need to be taken into consideration in order for physicians and other health personnel to be able to work efficiently, both in terms of patient health, comfort of their relatives, and day and night work. Design of patient rooms, office design for doctors, decoration of waiting rooms are issues that need to be considered separately. Well, this week we will talk about what should be considered in healthcare projects.

Functionality in Patient Rooms Important

Of course, the design of patient rooms is at the forefront of the issues that need to be given the greatest emphasis. When designing patient rooms, priority should be given to functionality rather than aesthetics. The rooms should be designed so that the patient can comfortably get in and out of the bed, eat their food, put the necessary medical devices correctly, and if necessary, the health personnel can intervene comfortably. It is important that the lighting does not cause excessive headache. Also important is the already important ventilation issue, which is of course more important for the patient to get the needed oxygen.

Avoid Jamming

Hospitals, unfortunately, are places where there are many bacteria and viruses. For this reason, it is important to find the necessary distance between patient beds, especially at critical places such as intensive care. Reducing the spacing between beds to fit more beds is not the right one.

Offices of Physicians and Healthcare Workers

It is also an important issue to design offices for doctors and health workers who are under great stress and for long hours. Creating comfortable spaces with appropriate office furniture solutions, providing good ventilation, and restful lighting will help you work more efficiently. It would also be appropriate to include stylish objects in office decoration applications for the motivation of healthcare workers.

Spacious and Relaxing Spaces

Hospitals are places where people may be sad or worried if they go as a patient or as a patient. It is also important to note that hospitals cafeterias should be stylish, spacious, and aesthetically pleasing to ensure that those with a sensitive mood can relax a little, such as hospital entrances, waiting rooms, and hospital cafeterias.