Holiday Transformation Increase the Power of the Office!


With the advent of September, long holiday feast days were left behind and many of the employees completed their annual leave. The sun will feel its effect for a while, but the days have begun to shorten, and the sun will warm us less, and the autumn rains are not far away. On the one hand, the end of the holiday, on the other hand the fall of the motivation of many people, and in every case as well as reluctance in business life can cause. On the other hand, the last quarter of the year remained a mere month, and of course there are targets to be met. Perhaps it's time to take some steps in office design and office decorations to raise the energy in the office and increase employee motivation and productivity.
Lightening Attention!
One of the most important causes of autumn depression is that we can not see the sun any less. It is also a known fact that sleeping is inadequate. If you want your employees to concentrate more energetically and for a longer period of time, be careful to make the most efficient use of daylight in office design. If your office is not getting enough daylight, be careful to make use of lighting that creates similar effects.

Place Colors ...
The effect of colors on human psychology is known. You can make colorful choices in office furniture or office decorative objects. Yellow is energetic and remarkable because it is not intense but it can be used, the relaxing effect of pembenes is known, blue and especially green are the colors that should be preferred in the offices because they increase the productivity. If you already have less colorful, simple office decorations and you do not want to spend too much money, a few colored tables or wall stickers can also help you catch the same effect.

Create a Biophilic Office
Biophilic office trends, that is, the presence of green plants in offices is a rising trend in recent times ... Because the positive effects of green plants in human psychology are known, research shows productivity and creativity. For this reason, if you have not yet made your office biofilm, it's time to move into action nowadays, as the green of the nature fades away. Remember how green, so good ...

Increase Energy with Events ...
Finally, although the impact of some of the changes you will make in office decorations is undeniable, the contribution of small events that you organize in office will also be great. You do not necessarily have to do big organizations. It may be much bigger than you think the effect of a party that starts an hour before the end of the trip, drinks and refreshments, provides socialization.