
Common Areas in Office Design are Important

The fact is that today, especially in big cities, working hours can be quite long. On the other hand, some employees prefer to take their lunch breaks at the beginning of their work, or even to check their e-mails on the phone instead of resting between meals, because of their busy tempo, he says. Another fact is that the Y belt, which makes up a large percentage of the current employees, and the Z belt, which will enter the business life in the next 10 years, are much more important to the flexible working environment than previous generations.

What Needs Attention to Office Design for Employee Motivation?

Many issues such as the fact that the working population in our country is becoming more and more younger every day, the transformation of employee profile, the progress of business life with technology, the prolongation of working hours and the like are leading institutions to be more careful in selecting office furniture. Although salaries, promotion opportunities, social and subsidiary rights are important, office design is one of the most important additions affecting employee motivation. So, is it enough to choose stylish office furniture to provide employee motivation, or are there other issues to be considered? Come, let's examine it together.

What You Need to Know About the Most Stylish Office Designs

Do you intend to renew your office in the coming period? Office designs have an important influence on the creativity, productivity and motivation of employees.